Saturday, September 17, 2022

Helpful Tips for Lifestyle Improvement


Helpful lifestyle changes tips 

Detox your fat cells

Drink plenty of water

Eat raw foods for healing:

    Raw fruits: apples, oranges, grapes, berries, etc 

    Raw veggies: celery, cucumbers, broccoli, avocados, nuts,         Lara Bars, dates, etc

Improve your gut health:

    Yogurt, bone broth, kombucha, & other fermented foods

Set your times for eating, also known as intermittent fasting.

This is a scheduled time for your meals daily. For example, I use the 11 am to 7 pm schedule. I do not break my fast until after 11 am and then my last food intake will be before 7 pm daily. I do not deviate and keep a strict schedule. This schedule allows for me to have my last meal in time for my body to rest and digest. 

Ideally you want to exercise before your first food of the day.

I only drink water or coffee (limited) in between eat times. Bone broth and teas are good for fasting times as well.

Be strict with times.

 If you catch yourself eating when not in time zone, spit out and repent. 

8 hour windows are good. Give a couple of hours to end before bed. 

Stay away from grains while the body is healing. No corn, rice, wheat, oats, barley etc.

Keep all food organic. Organic means the food is free from pesticides, the bug killer, and genetically modified organisms (GMO).

By being picky on what goes in your body, and on, this keeps your options lower and temptations down. You actually buy less food when choosing only organic.

Shop outer aisles.

Freshest is bestest!

Stay out of canned and boxed foods.


Strengthen 20 minutes daily preferably before breaking fast to get body going.


Strengthening (some examples):

High knees
Butt kicks
Dead bugs
Wall planks
Wall pushes
Sit ups
Side leg lifts
Fire hydrants
Donkey kicks
Bear crawls
Reverse dead bugs (on hands and knees)
Wall sits
Wall leg press


Foam Roll